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Salero Pimen Repollo Vde

  1. S/ 69
Vendido por falabella
Seller Info

Producto publicado directamente por falabella.

TipoBowls bajo
Apto para hornoNo
Apto para lavavajillas
Apto para microondasNo
Hecho enPortugal
Condición del productoNuevo
Información adicional

Adopting a modern and entrepreneurial approach, Bordallo Pinheiro plays an essential role in the revitalization of Portuguese ceramics and of the artistic heritage of its factory, Fábrica de Faianças Artísticas, Raphael Bordallo Pinheiro, in the national as well as the international scene. Bordallo Pinheiro remains faithful to tradition through the use of ancestral manufacture techniques and the naturalistic motifs at the root of the brand¿s great project. At the same time, it gives its lines a contemporaneous dimension, thanks to the excellence of its production and its continuous reinvention, both at the aesthetic and technical level. The brand¿s utilitarian and decorative pieces continue to feed our collective imagination and to take the prestige of Portuguese culture and industry one step further.